Saturday, August 2, 2008

Irish Bob's in September 2006

We played at Irish Bob's in September with one of New York City's most hard-core touring bands called The Sex Slaves. They were pretty good and they seemed interested in having sex with anyone who might be interested. Also, a Youngstown metal band called Relic played. Nobody, not even the organizer of the show, understood that a P.A. system wasn't provided. So, of course, it was all put on us for the show to go on because everyone else just sat there and looked stupid and bewildered by the news of this misfortune. We called our friend Patrick, from the band Dog OK. He drove from Hermitage, Pennsylvania to this venue in Youngstown, Ohio and provided the sound for the night. We paid him out of our pocket and received nothing from the promoter. We were pretty upset considering that we brought the biggest crowd on top of everything else.

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